Over 50 And Fed Up With A Dead-End Job And Life That Lacks Purpose, Fulfillment, And Direction?
Now Get the Coaching, Mindset, And Skills You Need To Move From Trapped to Triumphant For The Second Half Of Your Life.
Start enjoying work that:
- fills you with purpose and highlights your calling.
- aligns with your unique talents even the hidden ones.
- complements your faith instead of compromises it.
- utilizes your interests as much as your skills.
If this resonates with you, grab your bucket list and get ready to cross off a few things.
Greetings Fellow 50+ Friends and Peers!
Wouldn’t it be great to actually find work that fits into the rest of your life? Work that fits so perfectly that it seems custom designed just for you.
If what I have already mentioned sounds exciting, how about a few more extras?
- No commute
- Working your own schedule
- Choosing your own clients and co-workers
Do you remember several unredacted bucket lists ago, you once had a dream? You’ve taken it off your bucket list, because you thought it was unrealistic. You think maybe it has expired just like a can of soup.
Come to think of it, you actually had several ideas for your own business. You just never could quite decide what. Well, there are several ways that I can guide you on finding your what. Your bucket list is just one of about eight places that we will explore.
Why is 50+ the best time to start a business? There are several reasons:
- You have the work ethic.
- You have the life experiences.
- You have the hard and soft skills.
- You have the connections to networks and people.
- You have the financial resources or assets.
I know what you are thinking. Well, Leisa I haven’t done as well as I should financially. Well, I didn’t say you had to be rich. I mean you have probably done better than you think or you wouldn’t even be reading this on a tablet, laptop or phone. (Who paid for that?)
Many times we do have a lot more going for us than we think. We just don’t always see what is before us and what we really have. I’ve coached people with motivation and drive but very little money. These same people beat out those with more than enough of money to start a business.
Let’s face it. At 50, we have changed. Our lives have changed. Work itself has changed. It is time to accept what we really want or always really wanted and move into that change for the second half of our lives. Yes, there is definitely life outside of “Camp Cubicle”.
You have waited half a century for this moment, so don’t wait any longer.
You need to contact me if you are a man or woman over 50 (or close enough to 50), and you:
- have no idea what to do work-wise with the second half of your life.
- have had a freelance business on your bucket list for a very long time.
- have found your big idea and have no idea how to put it together.
- have or have/had a failing business that needs fixing or letting go.
What Do I Really Do at Powerfully Purposed For Success? The NO SECRET revealed.
Click Above to Hear Me Speak at the Independent Livelihood Expo 2020
My written interview with MadsSinger.com still available upon request.
My email interview about my money beliefs with Fluz.app
If you do not have the Fluz app, you may download it and request a copy of the interview.
How would you score your job satisfaction?

Why Changing Jobs And Careers Is Such a Struggle at 50+
Let’s face it. At 50+ a lot is riding on our jobs. It is riskier—but not impossible—at this age to make the move. Are you worried about:
- Reducing your retirement amount by a few years at your current company?
- Taking a lesser paying job and having to pull money out of your savings or investments?
- Contributing less money into social security than at your current job?
- Accepting health insurance which may not be as good?
- Having to reduce your current expenses and lifestyle?
These are just some of the concerns that you may have. However, like all concerns they can be addressed and dealt with in a way that works for you.
It is no wonder we are called “The Sandwich Generation”. We are sandwiched right between two generations—our parents and kids and sometimes even our grandkids. We are sometimes taking care of both at the same time while working, saving for retirement, and just trying to stay on top of everything else.
At this time, you are probably asking questions such as:
- What exactly went wrong?
- How did I end up on the wrong career path anyway?
- Why can’t I just be grateful for even having a job?
- Can’t I just hang in there until retirement?
- Why can’t my work have some purpose to it?
- Is this really God’s Will for my life?
If this sounds like you going through your morning pep talk, then there are TWO things you need to know… First, you are NOT the only person who feels this way! It may seem like it you’re a castaway on a deserted “job” island with no way of ever getting rescued by a better life or career opportunity. However, job dissatisfaction is far more common than you’d think even before age 50. Statistics will even back me up on this one.
The second thing you need to know? Your situation is fixable. I know, because I lived through the same situation and came out on the other side.
Since then I’ve coached countless others with just as much job dissatisfaction as you. (I’ll tell you more about that as we continue here)…
The Costs of NOT Taking Control Are Just Too High
But make no mistake. Your job dissatisfaction may not be your fault, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t—or can’t—do anything about it! The costs of continuing to stay in a dead-end job are just too steep.
Have you ever thought about the risks of staying in that job? The toll it’s taking on your health, personal life, and all of the things you are juggling? You’re probably already realizing some of the effects of aging on your body, but these other things?
We have enough on our plates as it is at 50+. Our lives are “crazy busy” but half over. Not the most pleasant thought to think, but the truth.
However, you can make a decision today, to begin your own reinvention—just like I did at age 47.
Traditional jobs have always been about:
- experience
- assessments
- degrees and certifications
- skills
- education
However, our lives are anything but traditional at 50+, we are “The Sandwich Generation”.
Aren’t you ready to finally have your own business? Your own livelihood that allows you to do the things you still need to do, but do work that you can enjoy. Aren’t you ready for your own reinvention?
Coaching with Leisa was a great experience as she offered many creative ideas for how to make a living in a way you will love. Since Leisa has the experience of launching and running her own businesses, her knowledge is current and very valuable to new entrepreneurs. The session was filled with information, compassion, and humor. I would recommend coaching with Leisa to anyone who wants to get out of the “rat race” and find a more enjoyable way to make a living.
After training at the Health Sciences Academy and starting to focus on my brand new career as a health and fitness coach, I felt very overwhelmed. Too few ideas for how to launch this thing. I had been reading Leisa’s home business articles online for many years, and knew she’d probably be able to help. After just one hour of “business brainstorming”, I walked away with more than enough ideas about how to approach my business, how to market my business, and even ways to create immediate income streams for my business. With Leisa, you won’t be disappointed.
Leisa really worked one-on-one with me to figure out what I really wanted. I had some great ideas, but didn’t have a clue where to start. She helped me develop the perfect plan for implementing my sewing business and my love for cake decorating into two very good income streams. Thanks, Leisa.
Get Ready to Take Control By Your Next Paycheck
Hi, my name is Leisa Bain Good. As a Profiting From Your Passions™ Certified Career Coach, I am fully qualified and equipped to help you put end to your job dissatisfaction and move into work and life on your terms—no matter how long it has been going on. It is never too late to reinvent the person you were always born to be. I’ve been in business, since 2006.
We’re 50+ and we know exactly what we want. We want more than just a paycheck. We want:
- Flexibility and less hours.
- Purpose and meaning towards the greater good.
- Personal satisfaction in what we do.
- Income that feeds our spirit and families.
I found it. So, let me guide you in finding it. At the end of the day, it is all about reinvention.
I know. I know. You are probably thinking right about now, what if freelance-type work or self-employment isn’t for me? Well, what if it is? All I am suggesting is that if you have always thought about it or have recently lost your job, give it a try. Especially if you are really struggling to find another job and can’t, let’s at least explore the possibility together. I realize that it is not for everyone, but at least settle it once and for all. Even if you try it, and it isn’t what you expected, at least you know. You tried and you won’t be taking this regret to the grave.
If you waited until you were ready or everything was perfect, you’d wait indefinitely or maybe for the rest of your life. If you don’t get started NOW, you will be right where you are this time next year Don’t lose another year. Whether retirement is still years away or whether you are already in retirement, it doesn’t matter. START TODAY.
Here’s to your future reinvention.
Big hugs and big reinventions,
Leisa, “Your 50+ Reinvention Rebel”™
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