Meet Leisa
Hello. I’m Leisa. Nice to meet you.
Well, I guess a quick little introduction would be in order. You can certainly read more about me in My Own Journey. You can also check out my social media channels located at the bottom of each page. Then to make things interesting, I came up with a list of five trivial things about myself.
Okay I am going to really put myself in the hot seat now. Here are five trivial things about myself:
My hobbies are the three B’s—biking, baking, and beading. I love a good mountain bike, but don’t care much for motorcycles. I can bake up to 123 different types of bead and eat just as many. I just love to relax with my beading tray and loom. I can also “block” bead with a block and stone as well.
I’m flat footed and really try hard to still find cute shoes and cute nail polish. My dad was flat footed too, but much worse! I still manage (somewhat) to “cut a rug” on the dance floor without knocking too many people into the punch bowl.
My husband and I both love to go on nature walks. We once found a skeleton on a trail. It turned out to be that of a deer, which someone had propped up to look like a human skeleton. Spooked us out a bit, but no Dateline interview with Keith Morrison ever took place.
I am very blessed when it comes to faith, family, and friends. I don’t know what I would do without any of them. I am also a prayer minister at Order of St. Luke. I do love my country, the the good ole USA.
I would rather put peanut butter than butter on my ear of corn. Crazy, huh? But it is crazy good. Isn’t corn syrup already an ingredient in peanut butter? Try it sometime.
Okay, now a little bit about my own journey…

My eBook has been selling on its own
website for years and is now on Amazon Kindle.
My Journey Towards A Better Work Life Balance After 50 (Technically 47)
I’ve been self-employed fully since 2007. I actually began my then side hustle in 2006, not fully knowing for certain, if it would ever take off and become a full-time business. I started out taking copywriting and graphic design classes in the evenings as I worked full-time during the day.
At that time, all I really knew was that I could no long keep commuting four hours a day roundtrip to work. So, armed with more determination than sometimes even good logic, I got started. I was going to be a virtual assistant, which made sense given my background. Well, low and behold, my journey began…
But you know something? At the end of the day I am just like you. I juggle many of the same things that you are probably juggling too.
Do you know how I like to show up in my business and in my life?
• I enjoy owning my own business and doing work that I enjoy. I have been an entrepreneur and business owner in my own virtual assistant practice since 2006. Finding other businesses to support and cheer on, makes me truly happy. This is why I offer coaching.
• I love brainstorming. Not just brainstorming ideas, but putting them on mind maps and vision boards then turning them into attainable goals. Since 2011, I have been brainstorming business opportunities and freelance-type work. I enjoy discovering, reviewing, and writing about these opportunities as both a ghostwriter and as a blogger. Google my name sometime, and you will see the other blogs that have published my articles.
• I learn from my experience and my mistakes. I also own my mistakes, but do not live in them. I worked for 30 years in the administrative and paralegal fields. While I have a combination of trade school and college, I have never stopped learning. Don’t plan to either.
• I have a special gift for explaining things. So many (clients, friends, and strangers) have told me that they wish everyone could explain things as well as I do. Tax forms, legal forms, contracts, and abstract ideas—bring it.
• I love helping and serving others. I am also active in my church and community. If you want to be successful in life and in work, then serve first and foremost.
This is what you will receive from me as a business and as a person. Go ahead and contact me.