Do you look forward to taking time off for the holidays?
Do you also try to combine a little vacation time with a holiday?
Or do you just take a “mental health day” once in a while and skip the vacation?
If you have answered “yes” to any of these, all I can say is good for you. Just remember to do it more often.
What Did Freud Have to Say About This One?
Sigmund Freud once said, “A holiday is a permitted—or rather a prescribed excess, a solemn violation of a prohibition.”
It’s sad how sometimes we have to use a holiday as an excuse to get away from it all. But if it will get you out of your office, home office, your workplace—use the excuse. Use the holiday. Don’t be afraid to step out of routine once in a while.
You’ll be able to get right back in line. Don’t let the holiday become added stress to your life. If it does become stressful, sit down and brainstorm ways to take the stress out. For example, if food is a big deal at your house (and it is at my house), have a pot luck instead of cooking a big meal yourselves.
If you’re a Southerner like me, the meal usually looks like pot luck anyway because we all just love to eat and cook way too much. Yes, sitting in the kitchen “talkin’ and pickin’,” we always say. There’s also “pickin’ and grinnin’,” but that is another topic.
For your time-off, you may sleep in late the next day, eat a fattening breakfast, put on your new jeans (if they still fit!), and go spend time with those you care about. Enjoy! Just remember, you never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul. There will always be time to buy “stuff” and pay bills.
The Brits Have It Right
In Great Britain they call “holiday” what we in the United States call a “vacation”. Either way, it is a wonderful example of self-care to do–take a scheduled or unscheduled day off to enjoy.
What is My Challenge to You?
My challenge to you is to start breaking up the daily routine with a few indulgences. Try reversing your daytime and night time activities—just not with clients, customers, and bosses! Try a movie in the afternoon instead of on the weekend. Drive a more scenic route to the grocery store. Put flowers on the dinner table even if it’s just you, the spouse, and kids.
Have you ever tried working by candlelight in your home office? It can be very spiritual, and I don’t mean that in a woo-hoo foo way either. By golly, if Louisa May Alcott can write some of the greatest American literature by candlelight—so can I. Or at least get the writing done for my client or blog!
Let me begin by saying that I hope all of you will occasionally have a day off or do something fun. Whether you use a formal holiday or a scheduled vacation or just a day off every now and then—do it.
Do You Need More Proof For Taking a Vacation?
Millionaires and doctors both understand the importance of taking time off. Did you happen to read my article on How Unpaid Time Off Can Make You Richer?
For example:
- Millionaires take up to six pleasure vacations with only 1 out of 5 of them are using 5-star hotels for the vacation. This leads one to conclude that the time itself with family is actually more than or as valuable as the scenery and amenities offered.
- Doctors at the State University of New York found that out of 12,000 men over a nine-year period the ones who took a vacation had less risk of dying from heart disease.
In Conclusion
Personally, I have noticed that the days that I work “fun” into my routine instead of trying the “oxen-mule-plough-pull method”—I did much better. I didn’t get everything done, but I did get the important things done (never do) and also replenished my energy. I also kept a good momentum throughout the day.
As always, I would love to hear from all of you on just how you work time-off into your work life. So, go ahead and soak in that sand and sip that lemonade.
I love what the Brits called it – Holiday. It is a wonderful moment of self-care to do–take a scheduled or unscheduled day off to enjoy. As for me, I believe that’s the time you need to think and gather momentum to do some funtime with the family…
Taking a holiday is the best thing one can help the body achieve soundness. It is good to take rest during a time of vacation.
I agree although one must consider situations as well. I take a break when the work loads are minimal and nit during an important event. I also leave my phone open for important inquiries.
It’s those distractions that get us, Alex! Good for you for taking control as much as you can.
Going on holiday once in a blue moon is a great way to unwind and catch a break from work stress..People that save in order to treat themselves to a great holiday are not cuckoo.. they have not taken leave of their senses..they are just wise
This article is really educative and informative. keeping a good momentum throughout the day is essential. Thanks for this wonderfully educational post.
Agreed, Oyeyipo! Many of us move too quickly and are too rushed throughout the day.
I need to change the way I think about hollidays. I generali use them to make do homework or to make some progress with the work at home. I really feel like I need vacations sometimes because I feel fatigued.
Vacation should be compulsory for one that want to be refreshed after a hard days of work. It is a necessary things to do.
@Unique – I agree. In some parts of Europe, vacations are mandatory!
Everyone deserves a break for self restoration. We need it for healthy mind, body, and soul.
Having a relaxed mind and body is very essential for work and life balance. Too much work can literally kill you because of unnecessary stress. I’ve seen that happen with my late father, who also tended to bottle in all his own frustrations at work instead of talking it over with my mother. Vacations are good medicine for the soul and mind indeed.
This is a great outlook and very applicable for me as I am getting ready to take a trip to California. I think as long as you feel your work is in place and will stay that way for the foreseeable future then go ahead and indulge. The statistics you listed are reason enough to believe that vacations are essential for good health and recharging your batteries. I think switching things up and getting out of your comfort zone is also a good way to experience new feelings and take on more of what life has to offer.
I like the idea of incorporating a little fun into our everyday routines. It can help a great deal!
The importance of a holiday or a vacation cannot be overstated. As the saying goes, too much work with no play makes Jack a dull boy!
Taking a break from normal routines helps one refresh the brain and break monotony. This eventually leads to a more productive lifestyle.
Some people think that vacations are a waste of time. They couldn’t be further from the truth if the facts are anything to go by.
I love how you suggest ways of breaking the monotony of everyday life by including some fun things here and there. I will definitely incorporate that into my life.