Have you noticed that spring has finally ended and we are approaching summer?

Summer Has Arrived

A new season of our lives is now upon us.  Most of us welcome the next season on the calendar, because each season brings its own joys, fun, foods, celebrations, and challenges.

I personally love spring and summer and love getting outside and doing more things.  I love to walk around my property and see flowers blooming where snow once was.  Our lives also have seasons, and at our age we have certainly seen many of them.

If you are not careful, you can let a season go by and stay stuck in the former season.  How many times have you gotten our decorations for a holiday only to find your holiday was gone, and you never even got your decorations up?  Or how many home improvement projects were you going to start and never did?

Our lives are the same way, especially after 50.  Many of us are busy balancing multiple roles, unlimited distractions, and a to-do list that would is longer than our left arm.  Sometimes it’s easy to stop making progress and just settle in for the status quo.  Especially when we are trying to launch a new business, it can seem like a cruel joke even finding the time to work on it.

Ask Yourself These 7 Questions:

  1. What dream have I been sweeping up under the rug season after season?

You know what it is.  The dream you’ve been thinking about for quite a few years, but have yet to get started on.  Yes, that business idea that you had thought about.

Some of the problem is that your idea gets swept up under the rug for procrastination reasons and some of it is fear of what others might think.  So back up under the rug it goes.  Spring clean your dream as you would your house.

This is the season to either dream it, delete it or do it.

  1. What clutter could I remove to make room for what I want?

 We all have limited time and limited space to work on our dreams.  Start by removing what you don’t want out of your career closet/ dream drawer to make room for what you do want.  Sometimes knowing what you don’t want in your space paves the way for what you do want in your life.

The sun will always shine brighter in a more organized space than a cluttered space.

  1. What weeds do I need to pull out?

 Just like weeds choke out good grass, some relationships and toxic environments choke our personal growth.  Whether the relationship is with a person, an organization or a job, is the risk of staying worth the pain?  Let go.  Find or start a team of like-minded people.

  1. What am I continually grilling?

While grilling is a wonderful way to fix food, but if not done correctly it can ruin the food and cause excessive smoke and a potential fire.  Don’t transfer into the next season with anger, resentment, bitterness or any of that.  Stop just flipping it from side to side like on the grill, settle it in your heart, reach out, and forgive, and move on.

Have you ever notice when you are hungry and you go to the grocery, you end up overbuying and overspending?  Or when you are angry and go into a clothing store, how you buy two of everything or things you probably will be too embarrassed to wear after your anger subsides?  Exactly!  Don’t transition into your business with that going on.

  1. What will I do to plan my summer excursion?

Just as you wouldn’t pack up the car and head out with no idea where your vacation was, the same thing applies to your business transition.  Wise people know how to plan and how to get there.  Do you have a plan for transitioning into your business?

  1. What do I need to lighten up on?

 As we eat lighter foods in hot weather, sometimes we need to lighten up with our other choices.  Choices that involve overworking, over analyzing, overspending, overthinking, over planning, etc.  We just need to aim for productiveness and not just busyness.  Progress and not perfectionism.

  1. How will I plan for seasonal challenges?

 While transitioning from spring to summer can be a beautiful time, it can be a challenging time with thunderstorms, tornado threats, flooding, and other elements.  Just has you have a plan of action for these weather challenges, have a plan of action for what to do when you experience setbacks or obstacles in your new business.

My Coaching Two-Cents’ Worth

Spring has now become summer!  Have a plan of transition for how you will move into this new season of your life and your future business. 

Hope you enjoyed some of the play on words in this post, but will take to heart some of the advice from someone who has been there.

Feel free to share a few your comments in the comment section below.